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It is to be notified for Mini Research Grant to all the grantee (Faculties and Students) as per the following extended date considering the COVID-19 Pandemic situation:

First Mini Research Grant

Final Report Submission (Extended Date):             32nd Shrawan 2077 (Faculties and Students)

Note: If final reports are not submitted on the date action will be taken as per the contract. Please submit a copy of your authentic bills with the final report.

 CALL FOR THE PROPOSAL for Mini Research Grant

Second Mini Research Grant

Proposal Submission (Extended Date):                    32nd Shrawan 2077 (Faculties and Students)

Note: Candidates who have not submitted progress report for First Mini Research Grant will not be eligible for proposal submission.


  1. Please download the form and get an approval from the respective Head of Department (along with Supervisor for students).
  2. CV of the researcher is mandatory
  3. Submit the fee on specified account of Pashchimanchal Campus and submit a copy of voucher with proposal. You can submit hard copy to Campus Administration or soft copy to [email protected].


Grant Distribution:

Faculties Group                : Rs 30000 (Group indicates two or more than 2 faculties)

Faculties Individual          : Rs 25000

Masters Students            : Rs 12000 (Rs 10000 Student + Rs 2000 Supervisor)

Bachelors Students         : Rs 10000 (Rs 8000 Student + Rs 2000 Supervisor)

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