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MSc Admission Open for Batch 2081:

MSc Admission for Batch 2081 is now open—apply today to secure your spot!

Institutional Overview

Pokhara is not only a famous tourism destination but also an academic hub. It has many prestigious educational institutes students from different parts of Nepal have gathered to seek knowledge and learn technology. Scholars from different parts of Nepal as well as overseas are contributing to the academic endeavors of Pokhara. Paschimanchal Campus is one of the leading institutions of this area. It is an institution of national and international renown.

The scenic Paschimanchal Campus, formerly also known as Western Region Campus (WRC), is located in the northern part of mega-scenic city of Pokhara. It enjoys the continuous roaring music of Seti River flowing….

BE Current Student

MSc Current Student

Teaching Faculties

Non-Teaching Staffs

Programs Offered
Enrolled Students
Teaching Faculties
Non-Teaching Staffs

Message From Campus Chief

Dear Students, Parents and Well Wishers!
Season’s Greetings!

It gives me an immense pleasure to welcome you all in Pashchimanchal Campus, formerly known as Western Region Campus (WRC). The campus was established in 2038 BS (1981AD) as a constituent campus under Institute of Engineering, Tribhuvan university, Nepal. Located in the northern skirts of Pokhara valley, Pashchimanchal Campus is one of the pioneer engineering higher educational institutes in Nepal. Initially established with a vision to produce trade level skill manpower sets to fulfil the nation’s need in the field of Engineering, the Campus has transformed itself to the hub of engineering education. Commencing its programs from trade course, it had offered three years diploma (Intermediate Level) in various academic disciplines of engineering (2044-2071) BS. Eventually due to the high demand of the bachelor’s degree program and policy of Tribhuvan University, diploma level courses were gradually phased out and bachelor degree programs were established. Total seven bachelor degree programs have been introduced at campus in different time frames (Civil (2056 BS), Electrical (2067 BS), Mechanical(2069 BS), Electronics (2062 BS), Computer (2069 BS), Geomatics (2069 BS), Automobile (2075 BS)). Since, 2015 (2072 BS) Pashchimanchal Campus has initiated three postgraduate courses ……..

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